Weedy Publishing Приложения

Rastaman Quiz (free) 1.0.2
Weedy Publishing
Unique, interesting, informative and funquizon cannabis theme. A selection of 150 questions: simple evenfor abeginner idioms and puzzling questions about cultivationinhydroponic glasshouse. Let's test yourself by guessing thenumberof coffee shops in Amsterdam today and volume of exports ofhemp inRussia under Peter the Great. Quiz broadens the mind andtrain thememory. Excellent way to pass the time and tuneknowledges.
Растаманские загадки (free) 1.0.2
Weedy Publishing
Уникальные, интересные, познавательные ипростоприкольные загадки на конопляную тему. Подборка из 150вопросов, вчисле которых несложные даже для новичка идиомы изаковыристыегроу-вопросы о выращивании конопли в аэропоническомрежиме. Любителипутешествовать могут проверить себя, угадываяколичество кофешопов вАмстердаме, а сильные в истории смогутблеснуть познаниями, угадавобъём экспорта пеньки при Петре Первом.Загадки расширяют кругозор итренируют память. Отличное средствоскоротать время и тюнинговатьпознания.Unique,interesting,informative and fun puzzles just for hemp theme. Aselection of 150questions, including simple even for a beginneridioms and puzzlingquestions about the grow hemp cultivation inaeroponicheskom mode.Lovers of travel can test yourself by guessingthe number of coffeeshops in Amsterdam and strong will to shine inthe history ofknowledge by guessing the volume of exports of hempunder Peter theGreat. Riddles broadens the mind and train thememory. Excellentmeans to pass the time and tuned knowledge.
Weedy Reader 1.0.0
Weedy Publishing
Фирменная читалка — гордостьиздательства.Написана с нуля специально для Weedy Publishing.Читалка сильноупрощает жизнь: все номера журнала хранятся взаданном месте,доступны при нажатии на иконку, а сообщение опонравившемся журналеможно опубликовать в соц. сетях.Читалка позволит быть в курсе всех новинок каннабис-полиграфии,апри наличии в телефоне свободного места можно будет загрузитьвсеконопляные журналы и книги в один присест.Приложение хорошо продумано, в частности,предусмотренавозможность блокировки, то есть при запуске приложениябудетзапрашиваться пароль, и конопляным интересам читателягарантируетсяанонимность.Branded eReader -thepride of the publisher. Written from the ground up specificallyforWeedy Publishing. Reader greatly simplifies life for all issuesofthe magazine are stored in the specified location, are availablebyclicking on the icon, and the message about favorite magazinecanbe published to the social. networks.Reader will allow to keep abreast of all thenewcannabis-printing, and in the presence of free space on yourphoneyou can download all the hemp magazines and books inonesitting.The application is well thought out, in particular,thepossibility of blocking, that is, when the application startswillbe prompted for a password, hemp and interests of the userisguaranteed anonymity.
Weedypedia Free 1.0.0
Weedy Publishing
This application appeared as alogicalcontinuation of the "Weedypedia" ("Encyclopedia ofHemp"),published in the Weedy Publishing publishing house since2001. Thethird edition of the book is in two volumes, with totalnumber ofmore than 800 pages, but the incoming informationrequirescontinuous additions.In 2013, the paper book has received an interactiveextensionthat will allow to expand the list of countries and bringup todate additions to their descriptions. The photo albums andlinks tosites and videos were added. In many ways Weedypedia ismoreconvenient Weedypedia than its paper predecessor and surpassesitin informativeness.Business section makes life easier pro-growers, touristsandbusinessmen. Weedypedia contained the lists of theexhibitions,major wholesalers and the largest stores in Europe. Oneclick cancalculate a route to the nearest coffeeshop or let youlearn thelaws of Switzerland. The app contains complete selectionofaddresses from the CIS countries. This is the mostcompleteapplication about hemp in Russian.
Weedypedia 1.0.0
This application appeared as alogicalcontinuation of the "Weedypedia" ("Encyclopedia ofHemp"),published in the Weedy Publishing publishing house since2001. Thethird edition of the book is in two volumes, with totalnumber ofmore than 800 pages, but the incoming informationrequirescontinuous additions.In 2013, the paper book has received an interactiveextensionthat will allow to expand the list of countries and bringup todate additions to their descriptions. The photo albums andlinks tosites and videos were added. In many ways Weedypedia ismoreconvenient Weedypedia than its paper predecessor and surpassesitin informativeness.Business section makes life easier pro-growers, touristsandbusinessmen. Weedypedia contained the lists of theexhibitions,major wholesalers and the largest stores in Europe. Oneclick cancalculate a route to the nearest coffeeshop or let youlearn thelaws of Switzerland. The app contains complete selectionofaddresses from the CIS countries. This is the mostcompleteapplication about hemp in Russian.